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     song book


latest songs:
Get Busy
   -Sean Paul
O noua zi
Something beautiful
   -Robbie Williams

starurile lunii April
Sarah Michelle Gellar

RAchel (S Club)

Liz (Atomic Kitten)

Jennifer Garner

Ashley Judd

Sandy (No Angels)

Kian (Westlife)

raportul Amnesty International pentru Romania 2003

Head of state: Ion Iliescu
Head of government: Adrian Năstase
Death penalty: abolitionist for all crimes
International Criminal Court: ratified

There were numerous reports of police torture and ill-treatment. At least seven men died in suspicious circumstances. Police resorted to firearms in circumstances which are prohibited by international standards. Many of the victims were Roma. Excessive restrictions on the right to freedom of expression remained in spite of a revision of the Penal Code. Conditions in prisons were sometimes inhuman and degrading and there were reports of ill-treatment of detainees. ...[continuarea articolului]


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